Heavy Metal and what some people still don’t understand

A couple weeks ago someone on Facebook shared this TV piece from 1987. Over the course of decades Metal music and the philosophy behind it always was and is something that a lot of people don’t understand.

Not quite sure how to actually put it into words, a lot of times metal music, whatever subcategory, is demonized and blamed for a lot of things. Even though this piece above is more than 30 years old not a whole lot has changed.

In no way am I in the situation to put an end to it, hell sometimes I dig that I am a crazy person in the eyes of the general population who listens to what a bunch of citizens would refer to as awful noise.

What I love about the metal community is that the attendants of that church are usually very open fellas who respect which bands I like as well as I appreciate them for liking artists I don’t. The vibe at live gigs. Meeting fellow metal cases somewhere on the street and giving thumbs up to a shirt or whatever else they wear.

In my humble opinion, the world deserves more metal fans to make it a better place.

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