Electric Age – Painter of Saints (2022 … sorta)

Back in 2015 my buddy Ian and I did a Road Trip to the beautiful City of New Orleans, and along the way made a stop in Baton Rouge to catch Crowbar on their last gig of the Symmetry in Black Tour. Marzi Montazeri opened with his Heavy as Texas project and then Electric Age came on stage and I said right away “these guys are awesome!” . Just great Louisana style rock music with melodies, riffs and groove.
In 2016 the guys signed a record deal with Argonauta Records and released their debut Sleep of the Silent King with some really really good songs on it.
Fast forward almost six years to February 2022 when news broke a few days ago, that they will finally put their second album up for grabs. These songs were ready for release since 2019 but Life got in the way so it took longer than originally planned.
Painter of Saints is now available as a self-release on all digital platforms so please go check it out, totally worth it! They stayed true to their original sound and that is a good thing.
Also go and give them a Like on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/electricagela

One more thing. Electric Age will play a show with EyeHateGod on 2/24/22 in Baton Rouge at Chelsea’s Live!!

Here is a Video of the Song “Cold Witch” from their first album. It sums up what they do great.

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